Typically we don't go to the pumpkin patch until October, because I like it to be chilly out and for the leaves to have changed. But last Saturday was the opening day, where all activities were free to families with children who have autism, so we decided to go and check it out early this year.
Xander remembered the big area full of corn kernels from last year and ran to that first. Jordis didn't get to do it last year so he convinced her to get in as well. She took to it quickly, pelting her brother in the face with corn while giving him one of her ornery looks.
After that we went to some slides and to play in the barn. The slides were a big hit! The barn full of hay, not so much. I think they just didn't like how it felt. But they did like climbing on the tractor.
Then we went on a hayride and I went with the kids on the banana train. I barely fit in that thing with Jordis so I don't know how Jason did it last year with Xan. It was Jordis' first time to ride and Xander got to ride by himself. They got to pick out their own cart and really had fun. Xander sang the whole time.
After some snacks Xander rode the zip cord and we fed some goats. The kids also got to pet some donkeys. They were so friendly!
Then we got Jason to ride the big-kid zip cord. I used the camera to take a video, so I only got pictures of him after he was making his way back to get down.
The kids each got a free pie pumpkin and they look great sitting on our kitchen table.
Thanks to Leeds Farm for a great day! http://www.leedsfarm.com/